One-stop-integration carbon management solution.

CHAP-V減碳示意圖 CHAP-V減碳示意圖
CO2e ▼

Clear and visible conveyance trajectory

ISO 14064ISO 14067

ISO compliance carbon inventory

AI-driven carbon reduction plan


AI Powered Behavior Tracking

AI Powered Behavior Tracking

The unsupervised AI system analyzes multiple trajectories and usage habits, easily catches the abnormal deviation behavior of vehicles, and formulates carbon reduction plans with evidence, without relying on feelings.

Cloud Storaged Carbon Inventory System

Cloud Storaged Carbon Inventory System

A full range of carbon emission sources, a one-stop carbon management solution, charting your carbon emissions, identifying possible redundancies, and intelligently analyzing carbon reduction suggestions.

Energy-saving Oriented Fleet Management and Optimization

Energy-saving Oriented Fleet Management and Optimization

The eco-driving-oriented GIS system analyzes the driving behavior of vehicles in seconds, filters the path with the lowest carbon emission, makes every driving behavior of dispatching vehicles clearly visible, and easily optimizes the carbon emission of transportation vehicles, reducing the accident rate and maintenance cost.

Benchmarking ISO / PAS / ESG Industry Standards

Benchmarking ISO / PAS / ESG Industry Standards

Automatically generate an ISO/PAS standard inventory check form, and match it with sustainable management green consultants. We will move forward on the road of ESG transformation.

CHAP-V Assistance


Wei-Ming Li

Wei-Ming Li

Co-founder & CEO

  • Over 10 years of experience in data algorithm design & startup team management in the semiconductor & IoV industry, specialized in problem-solving leveraging data modeling & ML system build-up.

AL / ML / Optimization

TC Hung

TC Hung

Co-founder & CPO

  • Cross-domain experience in both high-tech. company’s R&D & sales teams. Specialized in programming & product/account management. A football player in recovery.

Product & Account Management

Kayson Cho

Kayson Cho

  • 10+ years software & spatial information expert who is skilled in geodata processing & WebGIS development. Experiences include IoV, disaster prevention technology & urban infrastructure. Long live geospatial.

Software Development / Geospatial Engineering


COP27, what's going on?

COP27, what's going on?

COP27 is not very calm: the agenda of Loss and Damage, the dissatisfaction of social activists... What are the highlights of COP27? What's the meaning of it? This article takes you through the key take-aways of this year's UN Conference of Parties - COP27.

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Combogic Tech. is expected to conduct academic exchanges at the Advances in Reliability workshop of Academia Sinica in November

Combogic Tech. is expected to conduct academic exchanges at the Advances in Reliability workshop of Academia Sinica in November

Combogic Tech. will hold an academic exchange at the Advances in Reliability workshop of Academia Sinica in November. Download the speech outline.

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Combogic Tech. and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Statistics Institute Statistical Consulting course for academic exchanges

Combogic Tech. and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Statistics Institute Statistical Consulting course for academic exchanges

In October this year, Combogic Tech. conducted academic exchanges with students in the Statistical Consulting class of the Institute of Statistics of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. During the talk, Ka-Un Chiu, Marketing Director of Combogic Tech., introduced the status quo and problems of global sustainability management, as well as the solutions proposed by Combogic Tech. to investigate the difficulties in Scope 3. In terms of vehicles, Combogic Tech. propose data analysis to communicate with teachers and students of the Institute of Statistics for one semester.

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Potential to reduce vehicle carbon emissions by 45%! How does the concept of green driving apply to fleet management?

Potential to reduce vehicle carbon emissions by 45%! How does the concept of green driving apply to fleet management?

According to EU data, from 1990 to 2019, carbon emission sources such as home, energy, agriculture, and industry have all decreased year by year, but only the “road transport” category of carbon emissions has not decreased but increased. Road carbon emissions is the most difficult part to reduce, and perhaps green driving can be a solution.

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Carbon pricing, carbon trading, carbon neutrality, net zero, carbon tariffs, carbon capture, carbon budgets... 16 carbon terms you must know!

Carbon pricing, carbon trading, carbon neutrality, net zero, carbon tariffs, carbon capture, carbon budgets... 16 carbon terms you must know!

concise Carbon Dictionary, get started in three minutes, suitable for chatting about current affairs and showing common sense

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About ESG, an article makes it clear

About ESG, an article makes it clear

Even Nestle announced that the future KitKat will be `carbon neutral chocolate`. Why is ESG suddenly hot in the corporate world? Should you put ESG on the strategy map? In this article, let's talk about the mystery of ESG certification.

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